

    My reaction when I looked at my blog and realized I had over 100 views!!!!!
A HUGE thank you to those who read my blog or just happened to have clicked on something which brought you here lol. Thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Goal # 1. In 2013 is to bring you the readers more exciting content. To include maybe taking photos of things I'm inspired by, enjoying at the moment etc.

Goal # 2. Is to find a new design as Blogger's themes can only be used for so long before you get tired of them. If anyone has any ideas or anything you want to see on this blog just comment below.

 Aaand I will be making 2 big trips this summer to Hawaii and Japan!! EEEEEEEK! So for us to be prepared my mom ordered Japanese books for us to study and at least learn the basics to get around with. She's also taking an Chinese class at my college to help her learn even more characters! When my mom's into something she goes all in, hey just like me hehe. Personally I think if your gonna visit another country you should try and learn at least  the basic words. Just my two sense and now I'm done. Hope everyone enjoys their week!

" Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."
Henry David Thoreau


  1. Haha! Me too! And literally about a month later I had 500, I looked today and there 525. Crazy! Mind blown. So you'll be there in no it ;)

    1. Ahh thanks for the support! And your my first follower yay thanks again lol :) I see your from Canada what part??


Thank you for taking the time to comment today, I love responding back. I hope you have a lovely day! :)